F KEY TO EMAIL "WRITE" PAGEGo to your E-mail "write" page with an F Key |
Have you ever been surfing the web and wished you could jump directly to your email "Write" page to send a message, then be returned back to where you were? Now you can.
HOW IT WORKSWhen you click on one of the links below, you will see a page that instructs you to hit your save button and save the page to your Favorites Folder. After you have done that, you'll need to go to your Favorites and assign an "F Key" to that page.The page in your Favorites will be called: "Write Email With Sig" or "Write Email Without Sig" depending on which version you choose.
YOU MUST SAVE THE PAGE THE FIRST TIME YOU SEE IT, You will not see it again once activated.
I have provided two versions of this tool. One will automatically remove your Webtv Signature and the other will allow you to keep it on. Use either one or both of the versions. You can even use two F Keys, one for the sig version and one for the no-sig version. |
REMEMBER TO SAVE THE PAGE AFTER YOU CLICK THE ABOVE LINKS. You will not have another chance to save it once you reload the page or log back onto the web.NOTE: The function will be activated when you RELOAD the page. If you screw up and need another chance to save the page, you'll have to EMAIL ME for help.